KARAMBA Mobile Apps

Qr Code Scanner 1.0
QR Code Scanner & Barcode Scannerwasdesigned with average user in mind and is extremely easy tousesimply point your device to QR or barcode you wish to scan andappwill automatically detect it and scan it.QR Code Scanner is the fastest QR code reader / QR code Scanner/Barcode scanner / QR Code Generator app out there. QR CodeReaderis an essential QR code Scanner app for every Android device.QRcodes and barcodes are everywhere you can now scan and readthemwith the use of QR scanner for android.QR Code Generator is a simple and convenient tool that helpyoucreate QR Code image displayed on the screen. Several contenttypesare supported, include Text, Url, Email, Phone number,Contact,Geolocation and SMS.HOW THE APP WORKSTo decode QR code or barcode simply open the app, point thecameraat the code, and you’re done! There is no need to take aphoto orpress a button. The app will automatically recognize anycode yourcamera is pointing at.Scan product barcodes with QR code reader / QR code Scanner/Barcode scanner / QR Code Generator app in shops and comparepriceswith online prices to save money. QR & Barcode Scannerapp isthe only QR code reader / barcode scanner you will everneed.QR Code Reader recognizes all of the popular barcode types(UPC,EAN, and ISBN) and shows you pricing, reviews, and more aboutanyproducts you scan. Barcode scanning requires a newer deviceinorder to work reliably. Cameras on older devices do not providetheresolution or focus required for barcode scanning.QR code reader / QR code Scanner / Barcode scanner / QRCodeGenerator app is the only barcode scanner app you willeverneed!